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7 Business Financing Options for Ecommerce

Having an ecommerce business in 2021 is super important. Lots of companies noticed the importance of accepting online payments and having an online store during the start of the Coronavirus-19 pandemic. Luckily, the majority of those that already had an existing ecommerce business did not suffer such heavy financial loss as those that only operate in person. However, whether your [...]

Top Business Alternative Lending Options in 2021

2021 is the year to grow and expand your business. Most businesses are still trying to get back on track from financial hardships faced due to COVID-19. While the pandemic still exists, vaccinations alongside social distancing are helping get business owners and employees back to work and operating normally. Whether a business faced financial hardships due to the global pandemic [...]

Loan Solutions OU Helps Businesses Achieve Their Goals

Loan Solutions OU Client Testimonials Owning and running a business isn't easy. You can't do it alone. And even if you're a member of a credit union or you've been with your bank for several years, you've come to realize that sometimes they aren't your partner. In 2019, before the pandemic hit, we sat down with a couple of our customers – scratch [...]

The Best Startup Business Loans in 2021

Cash is scarce, especially when you want to start a business. However, getting a startup loan makes it easy for you to kick off your desired venture. What do you need to know about startup business loans? What is a startup business loan? A startup business loan entails a financing arrangement that helps you to get upfront capital to start your new business. The [...]

How can I get a small business loan for a startup

Starting a new business is difficult at the best of times. But if you’re short of cash, it can be almost impossible. Unfortunately, this is a catch-22 for many entrepreneurs. You can’t get financing without assets or an established business, and you can’t start a business without a small business loan for startups. Thankfully, there is an option out there [...]

Understanding Gross Income vs Net Income

Understanding gross income vs net income is a fundamental principle of running a successful business. Stated simply, gross income refers to revenues before you deduct expenses. Net income is your revenue minus costs and expenses. Differentiating gross income vs net income is crucial if you want to grow your business and maintain healthy profit levels over the long-term. These two [...]

Cash vs. Accrual Accounting For Small Businesses

The first few years of any business are volatile. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), 25% of new businesses don’t survive the first two years while 50% don’t live past the first five years. In an environment made worse by the global coronavirus pandemic, small businesses face an even more uncertain future. One of the major reasons for [...]

Everything You Need to Know About Business Loans for Women

Women business owners face significant odds in starting and financing their businesses. Ironically, women are the majority of small business owners, with current statistics showing that women own 38% of SMBs. Data from the National Association of Women Business Owners indicate that women-owned businesses have a significant impact on the business landscape. Precisely, women-owned businesses generate annual revenues in excess [...]

A Small Business Revolving Line of Credit

Did you know that getting a revolving line of credit improves your liquidity month after month? The resultant flexibility helps you to run your small business smoothly thus making the most out of it. What do you need to know about the revolving credit? What is revolving line of credit? A revolving line of credit refers to an always-available credit [...]



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