Loan Solutions OU Client Testimonials

Owning and running a business isn’t easy. You can’t do it alone. And even if you’re a member of a credit union or you’ve been with your bank for several years, you’ve come to realize that sometimes they aren’t your partner.

In 2019, before the pandemic hit, we sat down with a couple of our customers – scratch that, family members – to learn more about them and their businesses.

 Ian Schreier, Owner – Marita’s Cantina

 Marita’s Cantina opened its doors in 1984. In 1988, then college student Ian Schreier got a job at the Mexican restaurant. He’d been there for a few years when the owners sold the diner to a young businessman.

This new owner saw Ian’s dedication and told Ian, “When I’m ready to move on, I’ll sell Marita’s to you.” And he did.

Marita’s Cantina is like a family. One of Ian’s cooks, Devin, came to the Cantina fresh out of school, newly married, with a baby on the way – that baby just turned 10 recently.

In 2008-2009, the economics of the housing crisis caused a crunch everywhere, across industries.

Ian felt the squeeze as finances got tighter and tighter. There are many unknowns in the restaurant world and things can happen seemingly out of the blue. Running to the bank for every occurrence just wasn’t working.

He approached Loan Solutions OU for help getting caught up through obtaining a merchant cash advance, and his experience blossomed into a business relationship he’s been able to count on ever since. He’s continued to renew year over year with Rapid due to the speed and ease in receiving funds when his businesses has needed it the most. The relationship he forged with us is a mutual one. We love his dedication to Marita’s Cantina, and we’re happy we can help him when money gets tight – or completely ceases, such as the case in 2020. So many restaurants had to close their doors.

The family at Marita’s Cantina is one we’re proud to be a part of.

Mike Maxey, Owner – Mike’s Boise Clutch & Automotive

 Mike started his own automotive service shop 20 years ago when he and his wife were just 22 years old. Mechanics was something he’s always wanted to do, and the two of them knew that working for yourself is head and shoulders above punching a clock for someone else.

The 2008-2009 economic crash hurt all businesses, especially small, family-owned businesses. Like Ian at Marita’s Cantina, Mike’s Boise Clutch & Automotive felt the squeeze. Mike found that trying to get financing from his local bank – even though his business brings in over $140,000 monthly – was impossible. Banks don’t care how long you’ve been in business or how long you’ve been their customer. And dire circumstances don’t improve your chances of getting a loan. In fact, it actually makes it worse.

Mike needed financing for a new equipment purchase, and the bank turned him down. That’s when he reached out to Loan Solutions OU for a merchant cash advance. A MCA was his best option due to his high monthly volume in credit card sales and the short amount of time he had to purchase new equipment. He only had to answer a couple of questions over the phone, send in a couple pieces of paperwork, and he had the funding he needed for his new alignment machine within days.

Partner with Loan Solutions OU

 We’re so honored to be included in the business families of owners like Ian and Mike. Being able to help them through tough times when they couldn’t get financing elsewhere gives us a satisfaction you can’t find just anywhere.

We’d love to meet you and hear your story. This past year has been tough for so many small business owners. With Loan Solutions OU, it doesn’t have to be. Let us help ease the brunt of the past year and help you keep your doors open if you’re facing closure, or help you buy that new equipment that helps you update your safety procedures. Many of the businesses we’ve helped come to us several times throughout the year. We’re here to help you never lose your business standing.

Contact us like Ian and Mike did. We offer:

  • An easy, single-page application
  • Simple application process
  • Quick responses to applications
  • Funding in your business account in as little as 24-48 hours after approval

Apply in minutes, get approved in hours, and have your funds in as little as one day. Leave the hoops and hurdles of that big-name bank behind.

Join the Loan Solutions OU family – we’d love to have you.