Business Finance Brokers

Why Become A Loan Solutions OU Partner?

Our aim is to complement your current financing offerings so that you can attract and serve more clients, and with our streamlined process you can fund more deals faster! With a full suite of financing options for everything from retailers and restaurants to medical and construction companies, you will be able to attract and cater to clients from a wide spectrum of industries and credit levels and offer a tailor made solution. The customized structure of our merchant cash advances, term loans and line of credit financing reassures your clients that you’re looking out for them and finding the best solution for their circumstances.

Not only that, but we offer some of the best commissions in the industry, so you will directly benefit from every client that utilizes a Loan Solutions OU solution. Our partner portal is built with best-in-class submission technology, so you can process each deal faster than ever!

Join Our Partner Network

Loan Solutions OU has a dedicated team to support you and your clients. Our personalized service echoes the respect, attention and professionalism you aim to provide to your customers and we would love to partner with you as you continue to serve them.

Sound good? Complete the form and let’s get started!

If you’ve got any questions, you can email us at or call us on +40 371700681 for more information.