Conferences for women entrepreneurs give you an excellent opportunity to network with other people going through the same journey that you are and discover the innovative ways that they accomplish their goals. Going to a women’s conference is empowering in many ways, as the themes and topics center around women and the challenges they face in the workplace and business environment. Most business conferences for all audiences often default to a man’s perspective, so going to a women-centric event is a breath of fresh air. Add these five events to your schedule in 2018.


1. Million Dollar Women Summit – April 4th to 5th

Are you looking for ways to scale up your small business so you can reach the $1 million revenue mark? Want to network with women who have achieved this goal, as well as those who are dedicating themselves to it? The Million Dollar Women Summit is an invite-only conference that equips you for this journey. You get access to one-on-one coaching, sources of business capital, hands-on workshops and other resources that set you up for success. You do need to apply to attend, so make sure to get your pitch in early.

2. eWomenNetwork Entrepreneur Conference and Expo – July 12th to 14th

The eWomenNetwork is one of the largest women’s business networking organizations in North America. It has more than 100 local chapters, and this conference brings many of the members together for a valuable event. Approximately 86 percent of attendees are business owners, so you’ll truly be in like company when you’re there. Workshops, sessions and keynotes cover everything from digital marketing to achieving life-work balance, and they all keep the women’s perspective in mind.

3. Women in Technology Summit – June 10th to 12th

Does your small business deal with technology, or do you want to learn more about the technology that you can use for your operations? The Women in Technology Summit lets you dive right in many tech topics, from cybersecurity to networking with other IT companies and professionals. The event’s dedicated tracks allow you to focus on the areas that most interest you, so you can get the most out of the two-day event.

4. Inc. Women’s Summit – September 18th

Inc Magazine has a solid reputation for covering the business world, and the events that it coordinates have the same quality. The Inc Women’s Summit attracts women entrepreneurs with high-profile speakers, informative workshops and actionable advice that you can apply right away. Plus, if you don’t have the time for a longer event, the Inc Women’s Summit is a one-day conference.

5. Forbes Women Summit – June 18th to 19th

Forbes also holds a women’s summit that offers a lot of value to small business owners. While it’s not exclusively focused on entrepreneurs, the mix of speakers, sessions, and one-on-one learning and networking opportunities makes it an excellent addition to your roster. The speaker list is often interesting, as Forbes adds in entertainment and political influencers alongside business speakers. Sometimes a fresh perspective is a great way to get insight into your company’s challenges.


Women’s conferences give you the information that’s directly relevant to your small business, plus they give you a chance to avoid the “good old boys’ club,” at least for a little while. Enjoy these empowering experiences and make sure to keep your calendar open for these events.