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FAQs About The Coronavirus SBA Disaster Relief Loan

If you’re a small-business owner who’s been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, you can apply for an SBA Disaster Relief Loan. These loans will provide many small businesses with the coronavirus relief they need during this challenging economic period. You may be interested in an SBA Disaster Relief Loan because they have: Low fixed interest rates: 3.75%, or 2.75% for [...]

How Can A Small Business Survive The Coronavirus?

As an unprecedented virus wreaks havoc around the globe, it is also causing major economic disruptions. If you own a small business, then you might be experiencing some financial difficulties. You are not alone!   Small businesses across the country are struggling to make it through this trying time. It is possible for small businesses to survive the coronavirus. However, [...]

Which SBA Loan Is Right For My Business?

Social distancing and orders to stay in place in many states have been seen as a necessary measure to slow the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Unfortunately, when you tell people to stay home, it has a dramatic effect on business in general. Small businesses that don’t carry large reserves of saved up cash may be particularly impacted. As part of [...]

How to Generate Income Online during COVID-19

Has COVID-19 pushed you to explore new ways to generate revenue with your business? You’re not alone. Many businesses worldwide are pivoting their business structure to generate revenue online. Luckily, there are ways to generate income online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gift card promotion: It may be hard to sell your products online, and that’s ok! Creating a gift card [...]

8 FREE resources for businesses facing the coronavirus

The coronavirus is not only taking a toll on the U.S. economy, but also on small businesses across the nation. With the amount of uncertainty small business owners are facing, finding light in the midst of the darkness can be tough. Thankfully, there’s a number of companies offering free help to small business owners during COVID19.  The federal and state government, [...]

What Are Self- Employment Taxes?

  Tax season is here which for many is just a synonym for stress season. Filing taxes is complicated and going through new forms for your taxes can be extremely frustrating. So frustrating, that many people would just prefer talking to a tax expert and allowing them to do their taxes (great option for many, we might add!). Many that [...]

How to Pay Taxes As A Business Owner?

  With the new year comes new resolutions, goals, and … tax season! Actually, as a business owner, it sometimes feels as if it were always tax season. Paying taxes as a business owner can be a hassle, but we’ve got you covered with all the information your going to need this year.  If you are a new business owner, [...]

In the Business of Expecting the Unexpected

One of the most exciting things about building a successful business is that you never quite know what’s going to happen next, but this is also one of your biggest challenges. It could be anything from a sudden and unexpected opportunity, to a cyber attack, systems failure or natural disaster that hits your business hard. The good news is [...]

10 Common Retail Problems (And How to Solve Them)

In today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s harder than ever for small business retailers to stay up on the latest trends and work to outpace eCommerce stores. With these constant-changing factors, it’s no surprise research shows that half of all retail businesses close in their first two years. In this cutthroat environment, it can seem as if one mistake can [...]



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