Small Business Financing – Loan Solutions OU Tue, 04 Aug 2020 16:29:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why Loan Stacking Is Bad For Business? Wed, 15 May 2019 12:05:48 +0000 Since the financial crisis, it’s harder than ever to convince banks and traditional lenders to buy into your big idea, so it’s not surprising that more and more business owners and entrepreneurs are turning to alternative options. How does that make loan stacking bad for business? When you’re just starting out or trying to grow [...]

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Why Loan Stacking Is Bad For Business?

Since the financial crisis, it’s harder than ever to convince banks and traditional lenders to buy into your big idea, so it’s not surprising that more and more business owners and entrepreneurs are turning to alternative options. How does that make loan stacking bad for business? When you’re just starting out or trying to grow your small business, it’s tempting to take advantage of any available influx of capital, but not all small business loans are created equal, and when you start to take out multiple loans at the same time, that’s when your problems really begin…

What is Loan Stacking?

When a borrower takes out more than one loan simultaneously, this is known as “loan stacking”, and it’s as precarious as it sounds for you and your business. While multiple, short-term business loans might give you a temporary sense of financial freedom and possibility, it’s easy to forget that those lenders are all going to come calling at some point.

Ultimately, loan stacking means tying the fortunes of your business to multiple lenders–and that suddenly doesn’t sound quite so tempting, does it?

What are the Risks?

Keeping track of multiple debts and payment deadlines, and managing several different creditors, can become a full-time job in itself, and adds a whole new level of stress to the running of your business–something that you definitely don’t need! Many quick-fix online loans require weekly or even daily repayments, with interest that spirals at a frightening rate, and most businesses just can’t sustain this level of debt.

Loan stacking puts pressure on your cash flow from every angle, stretching your resources to breaking point, and therefore begins to actually restrict what you can do and how you can grow (which is the opposite of what you intended when you took out the loans). You might even find yourself taking out new loans in order to repay the existing ones, which is never a healthy cycle.

With more than one creditor at your door, there’s a higher risk that you will default on at least one loan, and this would seriously damage your credit rating for the future. Many lenders even include anti-stacking policies in their loan agreements to protect themselves against having to compete for your resources and assets; they are well aware of how risky this practice is and how unstable your business could become, and they want to be sure that they’ll be able to get their money back.
In this scenario loan stacking is bad for business because taking out multiple loans simultaneously could therefore invalidate your initial loan agreement, sending you into automatic default and even risking legal proceedings.

So What Are Your Options?

Loan stacking is most risky when used for emergency cash flow, and when the loans are all similar products. Any loan you take out should have a distinct function and an obvious return: what are you using it for and how is it going to benefit your business?

At Loan Solutions OU, we offer a suite of different products and financing options for everything from equipment and property to debt consolidation, so even if you do take out more than one loan, they each have a clear role to play in your business strategy. They don’t compete with each other because they don’t cover the same functions and rely on the same assets. From bridge and asset-based loans to a merchant cash advance, you can select the product and repayment terms that support the way you do business.

Many online lenders pride themselves on being quick and easy, without tons of credit checks, restrictions and hoops to jump through, and of course this is appealing–especially if you need funds fast. But this does make it easier to stack up multiple debts that soon become crippling for your business, and some lenders will even intentionally exploit this. At Loan Solutions OU, we guarantee an easy application process and fast approval so that your business doesn’t suffer while you wait for much-needed funds, but we make sure to understand your situation and offer the products that are most appropriate to you.

Don’t put your business at risk for a quick fix! At Loan Solutions OU, we believe in supporting your business to grow and thrive in the future by helping you to make smart financial decisions today. Call us now to find out what we can do for you.



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The Truth About Small Business Financing Mon, 29 Apr 2019 14:47:51 +0000 Small Business Financing Myths How many times have you heard that it's hard to get small business financing? It's a common refrain and every entrepreneur has wondered how to better raise capital. The truth is that it's not nearly as hard as you think. Here are some common myths about funding a business and [...]

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Small Business Financing Myths

How many times have you heard that it’s hard to get small business financing? It’s a common refrain and every entrepreneur has wondered how to better raise capital. The truth is that it’s not nearly as hard as you think. Here are some common myths about funding a business and how they don’t hold up in real life.

1.VC’s Just Want Harvard And Stanford Grads

There are plenty of examples of Harvard and Stanford dropouts starting billion dollar companies. You can probably name a few just off the top of your head. The truth is that those people are the exception to the rule. Many entrepreneurs don’t have that academic pedigree and most get started much later in life. You don’t have to have the same trajectory as Mark Zuckerberg or other famous entrepreneurs. Let your ideas do the talking.

2.You Need Specific Industry Experience

This is another common myth. When it comes to software engineering it certainly helps to have a Silicon Valley background. There are plenty of other cases where entrepreneurs built on their industry experience to launch a new product. That industry experience is a stepping-stone but it’s not essential. Many entrepreneurs have built disruptive companies without direct experience in that industry. Elon Musk founded Tesla after revolutionizing the digital payments space. Figure out what core skills you bring to the table; you’ll probably find that they are much more transferrable than you think.

3.You Need Connections To Get Capital

Having deep connections in Silicon Valley or on Wall Street definitely helps when it’s time to raise money. Building those relationships will certainly make your life easier. Are they essential? Absolutely not. In a strong economy, investors are willing to put money behind entrepreneurs and ideas that they truly believe in. It’s also easier than ever to get your business off the ground and start out solely online. Demonstrating success without abundant capital is the easiest way to convince investors to open their checkbook.

4.You Need Sales To Attract Investment

This might be confusing after explaining Myth #3. One way to attract capital is to show you can bootstrap and still make money. But what if you’re not there yet? Sometimes you need to sell your idea instead of a product that’s ready to hit the shelves. One way to get funding is to develop a unique, marketable, and more importantly patented, idea. You may not even need to develop a marketing or distribution plan. Investors may have the contacts to license your innovation to larger companies. Sometimes a good idea goes a long way.

5.The Process To Get Funding Is Hard And Complex

This is another myth that’s easy to disprove. It’s easier than ever to get capital; you just need the right partner. Loan Solutions OU specializes in getting small businesses the loans and credit they need without the hassle of going to a big bank. We offer several small business financing solutions. You can take out merchant cash advances, secure loans against invoices or other assets, or finance major business expenses. You can focus on growing your business while Loan Solutions OU finds a way to make your vision a reality.

Small Business Financing Truth

Many entrepreneurs take these myths for granted-don’t make that mistake! Getting funding isn’t hard if you’ve got a good idea and can execute. Contact Loan Solutions OU today and see how you can get the financing you need.


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Minimum Sales Requirements: The Truth About Small Business Financing Mon, 22 Apr 2019 14:16:12 +0000 Every successful business had to begin somewhere. Apple started in Steve Jobs' garage, after all. While you're probably not aiming toward worldwide corporate domination, you know your business plan has solid potential… as long as you can get funding. Too often, traditional lenders seem willing to hand over cash only to businesses that are [...]

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Every successful business had to begin somewhere. Apple started in Steve Jobs’ garage, after all. While you’re probably not aiming toward worldwide corporate domination, you know your business plan has solid potential… as long as you can get funding. Too often, traditional lenders seem willing to hand over cash only to businesses that are already operating at high volumes. If you’re in the early stages of building your business, you need to know that funding is available to you through a variety of approaches. Alternative funders look at the full array of strengths that you bring to the table, rather than just the size of your business. Here’s how:

What Makes a Business Strong?

Monthly gross sales aren’t the only measure of a company’s health, especially when you’re just getting started. Here are some earmarks of a strong business, regardless of its size:

Right amount of Inventory

If you’re selling products, one indicator of your management ability is the amount of inventory that you have on hand. Too much may mean extra expenses for storage and insurance, or even that your stock might become obsolete before it moves. Too little inventory can leave you unable to meet the demands of an upcoming busy season. Planning ahead for extra funding so your inventory stays at target levels is a sign of good judgement — and if your schedule is tight, alternative funding has a fast turnaround time.

Financial Ratios in the Expected Zone

Different industry sectors normally have different ratios of gross profits to net sales, for example, or of net income to total assets. Sometimes an entire industry will experience a temporary downturn, and savvy lenders understand the background context for such trends. When your financial profile looks good compared to your competitors, that’s a great indicator of creditworthiness.

Good Sales Track Record

If your company is young, you don’t have years and years of history to show — but even a one or two-year timeline can paint a picture of the direction you’re heading in. When you know that future sales will be solid, as long as you can get a cash boost today, a merchant cash advance may be the perfect funding option for you. Payment periods are flexible, because they are based on a percentage of daily receipts. You can get the fast funding you need, without the stress of locking yourself in to fixed payments.

Customer Satisfaction

Do you have happy customers tweeting and posting about their interactions with you? Small businesses succeed or fail based on how happy their customers are, and if you have a social media presence, you’ll know what people are saying about you. More importantly, you can enter the conversation. Log in at least once a day, to boost your positive feedback and respond sensitively to any negative reviews. Sometimes customer suggestions are the most valuable source of new product ideas.

Get the Funding That’s Just Right for You

Choosing the right financing solution is a major element in helping your business grow sustainably. You don’t want to get locked into the wrong kind of loan early on, because new businesses usually operate on narrow margins. It’s essential to talk to people who make it their business to help small businesses turn into livelihoods and futures. At Loan Solutions OU we do everything in our power to try to get the funding you need.


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Spending Freedom: The Truth About Small Business Financing Mon, 15 Apr 2019 14:10:02 +0000 It's hard to qualify for a traditional small business loan through a bank, and it's even more difficult to get funding through a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. If you do make it through the 60 - 90-day application process, you still aren't in the clear. Traditional lenders have rules about how you spend [...]

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It’s hard to qualify for a traditional small business loan through a bank, and it’s even more difficult to get funding through a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. If you do make it through the 60 – 90-day application process, you still aren’t in the clear.

Traditional lenders have rules about how you spend the money from the loan, and there are serious repercussions if you don’t meet the requirements. The big question is why do banks care how funds are used once the loan is approved? And are there any other options that offer more flexibility?

The Basics of an SBA Loan

Traditional lenders, including the SBA, are not interested in taking risks. They want to be sure you will repay the money you borrowed. One of the ways they increase the likelihood that you will manage your finances properly is by putting restrictions on how proceeds from loans are used. For example, you can’t use these loans to pay off other debts. Unfortunately, as most small business owners know, sometimes that is exactly why you need the extra cash.

These are some of the programs currently offered by the SBA. As you can see, the type of loan you apply for depends on how you plan to use the money.

  • SBA 7(a) Loan – Working capital up to $5 million
  • SBA CDC/504 Loan – Purchase of commercial real estate that you will occupy
  • SBA CAPLines – Revolving credit line that your business pays back and reuses
  • SBA Export Loan – Funding specifically designed for businesses that export goods and services
  • SBA Microloan – Working capital up to $50,000
  • SBA Disaster Loan – Help for businesses that have been harmed by a natural disaster

The problem with these restrictions is that things change. You might need to rearrange your financial plans based on fluctuations in sales, economic ups and downs, or any number of other issues that comes up in the course of running your business. When you borrow from a traditional lender, you don’t have any flexibility. You can’t change your plans when it comes to how loan proceeds are spent. Fortunately, these restrictive programs aren’t the only option.

New Options for Small Businesses

Technology has made it possible for small business owners to connect with more lenders than ever before. Today, you have options beyond what a traditional bank or the Small Business Administration can offer. Non-traditional lenders have streamlined application processes and fast approvals, because they use technology to make things easier for you.

These lenders offer you flexibility, because they trust you to repay your loan. They understand that sometimes, you face unexpected obstacles, and you need cash quickly to keep your business afloat. Often, you can qualify for a loan, a cash advance, or a line of credit to be used as you see fit. There may also be options for more specialized products, like commercial real estate loans and bridge loans.

Loan Solutions OU is a leader in small business lending. Credit decisions are fast, and you don’t have to submit endless documentation. In fact, many borrowers have the funds they need in just 24 hours. Best of all, Loan Solutions OU doesn’t put restrictions on how you use your money. As long as it is used for your business, you can make decisions that are right for you.


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Get Funded With Bad Credit: The Truth About Small Business Financing Mon, 08 Apr 2019 12:58:16 +0000 If you're a small business owner, your need for cash is often greatest in the period before you receive payments. The long-term health of your business may depend on your ability to purchase inventory or essential equipment ahead of time. This seems like such a simple equation … and yet, it can be discouraging to [...]

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If you’re a small business owner, your need for cash is often greatest in the period before you receive payments. The long-term health of your business may depend on your ability to purchase inventory or essential equipment ahead of time. This seems like such a simple equation … and yet, it can be discouraging to approach banks for a loan if your personal credit is less than stellar. Traditional lenders base their decisions on the personal credit of small business owners, even if that personal credit is bad due to issues that were beyond your control.

Securing Extra Funding is Smart Business

The challenge of getting funded can make it seem as if the savviest business owners somehow manage to avoid asking for any help. In fact, however, a lack of working capital can have a negative effect on your company. SBA figures show that 15 percent of newer businesses and 7 percent of well-established ones report that insufficient financing caused their profits to drop.

Alternative Funding Opens Doors

Until recently, if you were a small business owner turned down by a traditional lender because of personal credit issues, you didn’t have many alternatives. You might rely on a family member for funding, or you might spend precious years working at some other job just to save up money. With today’s new financial options, you have the chance to be respected for your hard work and successful entrepreneurship.

The Strength of Your Business is Key

It makes sense, once you think about it: Whether or not you can get a business loan should logically depend on the health of that business. Not on a personal track record that, as often as not, represents situations over which you have no control. After all, 20 percent of Americans have seen health care costs negatively affect their credit score, according to Consumer Reports, and more Americans (over 1 million) declare bankruptcy from medical debt than from credit card problems or mortgage defaults.

Your Creditors’ Financial Strength is Also Relevant

Instead of scrutinizing your personal track record, alternative funding looks in a much more logical direction: How financially strong are your creditors? If the people who owe you money are reliable payers, that contributes to the creditworthiness of your business. Unpaid customer invoices represent a solid asset, and may make it possible for you to receive immediate working capital through invoice factoring. This type of funding gives you fast access to cash, basically just speeding up your receipt of money that’s already owed to you.

Your Business Assets Can Help You Get Funding

Often, small businesses have significant inventory and other non-cash assets. Reliable accounts receivable also qualify as an asset. You can apply for an asset loan based on the value of these goods. Unlike credit scores, which are the result of the credit ratings bureau’s secret formulas (and which are subject to a 20 percent error rate), your assets are clearly countable. So everything is transparent.

Another asset your business owns is your regular volume of sales. If your track record shows that you expect to sell a certain amount in the next few months, you may qualify for a merchant cash advance. This funding option never involves a question of credit, since it provides you up-front cash and is repaid via a percentage of your sales in future months.

Regardless of the source of your bad credit, you can build a bright future through your own business. It just takes a solid start and a funder who’s interested in helping you build the future you envision. Loan Solutions OU looks at the overall health of your business, not just your credit score.



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Get Cash Fast: The Truth About Small Business Financing Mon, 01 Apr 2019 13:52:00 +0000 The process of getting a traditional bank loan for your small business is frustrating. It's nearly impossible to get a banker's attention if you have questions. You are expected to fill out a long, complex application on your own, submit all of the supporting documentation that is required, and then wait. And wait. And [...]

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The process of getting a traditional bank loan for your small business is frustrating. It’s nearly impossible to get a banker’s attention if you have questions. You are expected to fill out a long, complex application on your own, submit all of the supporting documentation that is required, and then wait. And wait. And wait. If you are lucky, two or three months later you get a decision – and when it comes to banks, it’s rarely good news.

Why does it take so long? Is there a faster way to get cash for your small business?

Banks Are Not Adventurous

Steve Jobs started Apple in his garage. Jeff Bezos started Amazon the same way. Today, these companies are two of the most successful in history. However, it is unlikely that either of these entrepreneurs could have gotten a traditional small business loan in their early days. Banks just aren’t adventurous.

Banks are worried that you will default on your loan, and they won’t get their money back. This is based on statistics – many small businesses do fail in the first five years. Banks simply don’t want to take the risk. That means they only lend to extremely well-qualified applicants. You have to complete a lengthy application and supply extensive documentation to prove that you are likely to pay the loan back. Often, your application is reviewed by a long list of small business bankers before a decision is made. That can easily take 60 – 90 days.

What About a Small Business Administration Loan?

The federal government knows that banks don’t want to lend money when there is a risk. However, the government also knows that small businesses are critical to the country’s success. The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers a compromise. If you borrow from a bank through one of the SBA programs, the SBA guarantees your loan.

Of course, a guarantee like that comes with strings. The biggest one is the amount of documentation you have to provide. This is just a taste of what the SBA requires before guaranteeing your loan:

  • Comprehensive business plan
  • Credit check
  • Financial statements
  • Owners’ resumes
  • Details on collateral

Getting the paperwork together is time consuming for you. It takes even longer for the SBA and the bank to review it. For many applicants, 60 – 90 days is a best-case scenario. Sometimes it takes longer to get an approval.

The problem with this lengthy application process is that you can’t handle small cash flow problems promptly, and you can’t take advantage of growth opportunities if an unexpected chance comes your way. Fortunately, there is good news. It doesn’t have to take a long time to get the funding you need for your business.

Fast Funding Solutions

The beauty of technology is that you can cut out lots of time-consuming steps when it comes to submitting an application. You can speak to a loan officer by phone and submit your information online in minutes. Thanks to new financing tools, non-traditional lenders don’t need as much documentation to make a solid credit decision. Sometimes, all you have to provide is basic identification and a few months’ worth of bank statements from your business account.

Loan Solutions OU is a leader when it comes to leveraging the power of technology to make fast credit decisions for small business owners. Many borrowers have the money they need in just 24 hours. If you need cash for your business, you don’t have to wait months for a decision. Call Loan Solutions OU at 800-631-3370 today.


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4 Key Things About Filing Taxes In 2019 Thu, 10 Jan 2019 15:33:34 +0000 Did you know the IRS charges a penalty of 5% of the unpaid taxes for each month or part of a month your return is late? That's no small amount. So, don't procrastinate! You will literally pay for it. Listed here are four things you need about filing taxes for your business in 2019. Follow them, [...]

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Did you know the IRS charges a penalty of 5% of the unpaid taxes for each month or part of a month your return is late?

That’s no small amount. So, don’t procrastinate! You will literally pay for it.

Listed here are four things you need about filing taxes for your business in 2019. Follow them, and tax season will be a breeze for you (or at least not as big of a headache).

1. Know what form you’ll need

It all depends on if what you’ll be filing as:

For your reference, understand an LLC is a business structure where owners are called members. It combines the pass-through taxation of a partnership with the limited liability of a corporation.

Also, the main tax difference between an S corporation with a corporation is that S corporations pass corporate income, losses, deductions, and credits to shareholders. This avoids double taxation, and makes S corporations similar to LLCs when it comes to taxes.

Keep that info in mind if you’re thinking about changing the type of business or establishing your business.

2. It’s all about calculating revenue against expenses

Ultimately, what you pay in taxes depends on your total profits, which can be simplified to be revenue minus expenses. What you need to produce is an income statement. This should clearly detail all your revenues and expenses.

Revenue includes all your sales, as well as bank account interest, capital gains, returns and allowances, and other unclassified income.

Expenses, as a guide in The Entrepreneur notes, includes labor, office rent, equipment purchases, automobile expenses, utilities, and more.

Given that there are a lot of things involved with filing taxes, the chances of paying more than you should in business taxes are high. For instance, you could leave out legitimate business expenses when filing taxes, and that means you’ll pay more than you should as your profits will seem higher.

To avoid this possibility, consider hiring a good CPA so that you file taxes in the most efficient and effective manner possible. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is a great place to search for high-quality CPAs.

3. Having a checklist makes everything easier

You can make the tax filing process go much faster if you have all the info you need on hand. Consult this checklist:

  • Income statement: If you’re not already, start keeping records of all gross receipts and sales
  • Cost of goods sold (if applicable): This includes the cost of the materials along with labor, inventory and distribution expenses.
  • List of expenses: From legal services to insurance, include any money spent to support the company’s operations. Don’t forget about things like advertising, transportation, airfare, meals while traveling, and commissions paid.
  • Payroll documents: This should include payments made to contract workers and freelancers.
  • Last year’s business tax return: It’s a great reference, too (if you have it).
  • Bank and credit card statements: This will help track the money that’s coming in and going out.
  • Depreciation schedule: This covers the depreciation, or loss in value, of your company’s long-term assets, like equipment, buildings, and office furniture.
  • Asset purchases: Have receipts on hand if you’ve bought new equipment, vehicles, computers, etc.

4. Use all the resources available to you

The IRS has a lot of resources available on their tax center page. Use that as a reference. There’s also plenty of info available with companies like TurboTax.

Additionally, small business tax software like QuickBooks and inDinero can automate many of those time-consuming accounting tasks. It’s worth the investment when you consider the time you save and how you eliminate the potential for errors that happen when you manually record financial information.

The point is this: Small business owners have to wear many hats, and one of them is accountant. To make that role easier, utilize all the resources available. And, if you can, hire a CPA to help out.

Making tax season go smoothly

What perhaps is most helpful is good record-keeping processes. This will eliminate confusion and having to hunt down potentially lost documents and information.

In the end, tax season isn’t something that will excite your team, but if you make it the company norm to maintain clear and accurate financial data, filing taxes will be much easier this year. And your team can get back to what matters most: Building a sustainable, successful business.


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5 Reasons Why You Need Seasonal Financing NOW Fri, 16 Nov 2018 14:55:55 +0000 If you’ve been thinking of expanding your business, now is the perfect time. A record number of business owners reported that they planned to expand their business, according to the NFIB Research Foundation's most recent optimism index survey. Many business owners take advantage of the many sales and opportunities of making end-of-year purchases. Plus, they may [...]

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If you’ve been thinking of expanding your business, now is the perfect time. A record number of business owners reported that they planned to expand their business, according to the NFIB Research Foundation’s most recent optimism index survey. Many business owners take advantage of the many sales and opportunities of making end-of-year purchases. Plus, they may be incentivized to make purchases to decrease tax liability. Lenders are willing and waiting to provide the seasonal funding you need. Here are some ways that seasonal funding can be used to benefit your business this quarter:

1. Upgrade to New Equipment

The optimism index survey says that 41 percent of business owners reported spending on new equipment. An end-of-year purchase of new equipment can help fuel business demands since many businesses see an uptick in sales during the final quarter. Many business owners must contemplate if purchasing new equipment can help them stay competitive, therefore securing financing for equipment can help optimize cash flow as well as help you realize substantial tax benefits.

In fact, the U.S. government provides an incentive for businesses to purchase capital equipment. IRS Code Section 179 allows accelerated write-offs for capital purchases and is particularly helpful if your business is heavily run on machinery equipment.

You might also be able to benefit from using asset depreciation as part of your financial management plan. Many business owners benefit from being the owner of the asset, which can be accomplished through a loan solutions ou loan or line of credit. You could deduct depreciation as well as interest charges from your taxable income.

2. Buy a Company Vehicle

During the end of the year, there are vehicle sales all over the place because dealerships are trying to unload last year’s model for newer models. If you are in the market for a company vehicle, seasonal financing can help you achieve this goal. According to the optimism index survey, 16 percent of business owners acquired a company vehicle.

3. Expand Your Facility

Now may be the time to expand your facility. This could be a new storefront or even a distribution center. Fewer people may be looking for commercial spaces during this time of year, so you may be able to find a good deal with less demand present to inflate the price. Buying a property now can allow you to have a fully operational location by the New Year.

4. Fund Inventory

You may have special inventory needs during the end of the year, such as a new collection or seasonal designs. Seasonal lending can also help you fund your inventory for this busy season. If you’re on the vendor side of business, business owners will likely consider purchasing products from vendors that have historically performed well during the fourth quarter. It’s a win-win!

5. Handle Payroll

Finally, you can also use your seasonal financing to provide overtime pay and bonuses to your existing staff. It’s not uncommon that many businesses hire additional help during the end of the year to help with holiday sales and to prepare for the next year. If you run your sales from the last year and a projection for the current year’s numbers, you may be able to better gauge how strong consumer demand might be. Then you can use this information to determine how many new employees you will need to staff.

Secure Your Financing Today

Take advantage of the many opportunities that loan solutions ou has available for funding  your business this time of year (and preparing for next year)! We offer fast decisions and can deliver your loan within three business days. We have a variety of business solutions that you can use to get right the financing you need.



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How to Manage Small Business Debt Thu, 25 Oct 2018 14:32:06 +0000 As a small business, keeping your head above water and planning for growth can be a delicate balance. There’s a certain truth to the saying that you’ve got to spend money to make money, but if you can’t cover your expenses every month (rent, payments to suppliers, salaries, etc.) you’re going to find yourself in [...]

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As a small business, keeping your head above water and planning for growth can be a delicate balance. There’s a certain truth to the saying that you’ve got to spend money to make money, but if you can’t cover your expenses every month (rent, payments to suppliers, salaries, etc.) you’re going to find yourself in some serious hot water.


Even if you’re doing everything right, loans and debts are an almost inevitable part of running and growing a small business. The question is, how can you manage your debt so that it doesn’t spiral out of control? While it may be tempting to bury your head in the sand, the key is to be intentional and take charge of the situation, right from the start, getting a plan in place that keeps your debt manageable.


1. Get Organized


It’s easy to picture your debt as one big, messy cloud, looming over your business, but if you break it down into individual debts, creditors and payments it will feel far less overwhelming and unmanageable. Make sure that you know exactly who you owe, how much, and when payments are due, and then you can start to prioritize and plan ahead.


2. Review Your Cash Flow


If your monthly income and expenditure have become unbalanced, take a step back to look at where the extra expenses are creeping in. You can then make adjustments to your budget so that you can plan for the future without compounding your debt even further.


3. Cut Your Costs


You may be able to identify areas for potential – and fast – savings, so that you can clear your debt more quickly. Do you have any unnecessary expenses that aren’t essential to the running of your business? For example, are you paying for subscriptions or leasing equipment that you could live without for a while? Can you negotiate lower rates or deals from suppliers, or get better rates by switching suppliers? You could even think about joining with other small businesses to order in bulk, for better value.


Rent is likely to be one of your most significant costs, so it’s worth considering whether you can downsize or downgrade your workspace, even just temporarily? You could also explore the option of sub-letting some of your space to another individual or small company.


4. Boost Your Revenue


Consider running special promotions or discounts on your popular products or services, to boost sales in the short-term. You should also be sure to chase down any unpaid invoices, so that you’re not paying the price for other people’s delay or disorganization. You could even offer a discount for paying upfront so that your accounts receivables stay healthy, which will allow you to make bigger repayments each month and clear your debt sooner.


5. Negotiate a Payment Plan


The main thing for your creditors is that you pay up, so – often – they will be open to putting a realistic plan in place that will make it possible for you to clear the debt. Having this frank and practical conversation, rather than offering empty reassurances, is the best way for both of you to manage the situation and get what you want out of it.


Some creditors will offer flexible repayment terms, including extending your loan over a longer period of time to reduce your monthly payments and mounting interest. You may also be able to agree on a loan consolidation program, which groups multiple loans together into a single monthly payment. This is much easier to manage and incorporate into your budget – and much less intimidating!


The bottom line? Be proactive, and be strategic. It’s not necessarily about stripping your costs down to the bare minimum in order to clear your debt as fast as possible, but it’s about managing your finances and structuring your debt in a way that is smart and sustainable. You still want your business to grow and thrive, and that doesn’t come cheap, but with some shrewd planning and negotiation your debt doesn’t have to hold you back.



The post How to Manage Small Business Debt appeared first on Loan Solutions OU.

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How to Get a Business Loan With Bad Credit Thu, 09 Aug 2018 13:40:00 +0000 Applying for a business loan can be a tense time, and especially if you’re just starting out. If you haven’t had a chance to build a solid credit record, or you have concerns about your current credit file, you may not rate your chances with the bank. And it’s true that many banks and traditional lenders will want to see at least two years of promising business operations or a decent amount of collateral before they will even consider you for an SBA-backed loan, because they see you as too much of a risk.

The post How to Get a Business Loan With Bad Credit appeared first on Loan Solutions OU.


Are Business Loans Hard to Get?

Applying for a business loan can be a tense time, especially if you’re just starting out. If you haven’t had a chance to build a solid credit record, or you have concerns about your current credit file, you may not rate your chances with the bank. It’s true that many banks and traditional lenders will want to see at least two years of promising business operations or a decent amount of collateral before they will even consider you for an SBA-backed loan, because they see you as too much of a risk.

But the good news is that a less than perfect credit history doesn’t rule you out!

How Do You Get A Business Loan With Bad Credit

Sure, most banks and more mainstream lenders won’t look kindly on you. But there is a new breed of lender out there who will take a more personal approach to your specific circumstances and offer a diverse and flexible package of alternative funding opportunities. Innovation, entrepreneurship and thriving businesses are great for all of us, so there is a growing trend for lenders who specialize in supporting startups and small businesses that need a helping hand.

If you’re just getting off the ground, or if you can feel the shadow of bad credit looming over you, this is all the more reason to speak to a specialist about your options for financial support. Getting the right advice can help you to focus your energies on the channels that have the best chance of success for your business, and you can get some tips on how to start building your business credit for the future.

 Can You Build Business Credit Without Personal Credit?

Your business credit and your personal credit aren’t the same thing, and they take different factors into account. It is true, though, that a lender may look at your personal credit as an indication of how much of a risk you might be in terms of owning and running a business.

Business credit might also come into play when you’re being assessed for insurance, lease agreements, or working with vendors and partners, so even if you’re not planning to apply for a loan imminently, it’s a good idea to think about how you can build your credit history.

The bottom line is that you should focus on what you can do to build your business credit, specifically, but don’t let your personal credit count against you.

How Do You Build Credit For A New Business?

If you’re launching a new business, here are three simple things you can put in place today to start building credit for the future:

1.  Continue to do all you can to protect your personal credit rating.

2.  Establish lines of credit with your vendors or suppliers, so that you can show a regular pattern of paying off your balance in a timely manner. This also shows that your suppliers have a level of trust in you.

3.  Get incorporated and apply for a federal Employer Identification Number, so that your business has its own identity that’s separate from you as an individual. This also means opening business bank accounts in the legal name of your registered business.

So if you’re worried about bad credit, don’t count yourself out! There are lots of great, flexible funding opportunities out there that will give you the boost you need and help you to build your credit history for the future. Just make sure that you speak to a loan specialist who is experienced in dealing with startups and small businesses as they will be able to point you towards a solution that’s tailor made for you.


The post How to Get a Business Loan With Bad Credit appeared first on Loan Solutions OU.

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